3-2-1 gift shop

3-2-1 Gift Shop

The shop at 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum (QOSM) features exclusive sports-inspired gifts for all ages, designed to inspire a healthy and active lifestyle.

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The gift shop is located on the fifth floor of the Museum, offering visitors a wide range of exclusive merchandise inspired by the legacy of sport and the Olympic Games.

Visitors can browse through and purchase a wide range of sportswear and apparel that showcase the positive value of sport and its significance within Qatar and beyond. From local football team kits to vintage Olympic poster prints, there is something for all ages to enjoy.


Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday: 9am–7pm
Tuesday: Closed
Thursday: 9am–9pm
Friday: 1:30pm–7pm

Ramadan Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday: 9am–2pm and 8pm–midnight
Tuesday: Closed
Friday: 8pm–midnight

The Museum will be closed on the first day of Eid al-Fitr and reopen the following day with regular operating hours.

Learn more about visiting during Ramadan.

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